Hello friends.
In this post, let's talk about wellness...
You may be familiar with the "wellness wheel"...
I'm going to dive in and suggest a process to continually monitor and improve your wellness. If you don't have time, I'd ask you to look 5 years out... In 5 years on your current trajectory where will you be? If you incorporate the process below, how might things look differently in 5 years? You make the choice (please invest in yourself, you are worth it).
Here's the process...
Choose a time and space, free from distractions where you can be unrushed.
Step 1: Assess your own wellness (self-evaluation) in each of the categories.
During this step some big gaps/needs may arise, jot them down in the margin or on another page for later.
Step 2: Reflect on it a bit and see what you think or if there are themes or identify biggest gaps/needs.
And don't forget to celebrate the wins. You have many wins!
This is a fuzzy step, but probably the most important step.
Step 3: Create your action plan.
Make sure you have NO MORE THAN 2 primary actions/changes to implement. Write them down (re-write them as needed). You can have a handful of lower priority items, but consider them a much lower priority than your BIG TWO.
Step 4: Repeat this exercise at least 1 a quarter.
Please reach out with questions, success stories, failures, etc.
If you want a little more guidance as to what may fall within each category, read on...
Occupational Wellness: This is what you do. What occupies your time. Often a paid job or a business your run, but not always. How do you feel about what you are doing? Are you finding fulfillment in the work you do and maintaining a positive work-life balance?
Environmental Wellness: This isn't just recycling, going green and driving a Tesla. Is your personal environment good for your peace and growth? Think of a green house as a great environment for a plant. What is a good environment for you? Clutter? Does your home, car, life promote your peace and growth?
Intellectual Wellness: Your mind is a wonderful thing. Are you mindful? What are you learning about? Are you investing in yourself here? Are you trying new things and being curious? Often we put this on the back burner. Note this is not just reading books or listening to podcasts, but thinking, pondering, trying new things (application of what we are learning).
Spiritual Wellness: How is your spirit/soul? How have you best connected with your maker in the past? Are you doing that now? What are your spiritual disciplines? What do you believe and how is that impacting your life?
Emotional Wellness: Are you checking in with yourself? Is your internal talk negative (critic) or kind, gentle and curious. When you have a feeling, do you feel it long enough to honor it and see what it is indicating? If so you can effectively investigate the facts and make a thoughtful next move.
Physical Wellness: Are you a good care taker of your physical body? How is your sleep? Exercise/activity? What are you eating/drinking? When & why? What are your good habits (or bad habits)?
Financial Wellness: Does money bring you life and freedom or stress? What habits/practices do you have (or do you need) so that you are financially well?
Social Wellness: Do you have a solid community including 1-2 people that you can really open up to? People that know you, see you, get you and celebrate/encourage you? And how are you serving others and giving from your abundance?