Sunday afternoon. Yes, that's what it is but what exactly is a Sunday afternoon? Good question. This Sunday the Vikes lost, it's cold and grey in MN, Monday is coming so we catch up on groceries, laundry, friends and get ready for a new week.
Sounds a little bla doesn't it? Maybe a little, but Sunday is a day of rest ordained by the Maker so who am I to complain (and I'm not). I don't know about you, but if you know me, you know that I busy myself with friends and am often on the go barely giving myself time to ponder and think (ha ha).
In fact it's quite ironic that one of my favorite things to do is to have unscheduled time yet most of the time I schedule!! A personal retreat, yes that would be good. Haven't had one in awhile. I've been to Pachem en Terris a few times (small personal retreat place north of the cities). THM (take home message) to self: schedule a little time for your self and "be intentional" about time spent alone and with others. (see meaning of life post)
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