Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Just had a Birthday.  I’m also reflecting on my first year of marriage. 
Long story short:  Life is good. 

So anyway, to the topic:  VISION

Why?  Without vision, purpose, a higher calling, what are we here for?  Unlike rabbits and hawks, there’s more to our life.  We have more potential, so I’m setting out to define my vision (and in this case, me = we since I’m now married.  We’ll see what my other half thinks later.)

Another important reason to have vision is without it, we can chase so many things.  Vision can ground us so that the minute and mundane are building blocks to the profound (they didn’t build the pyramids in a day, so let’s make sure our day to day adds up to a life well spent). 

First rule (or guideline if you prefer) is to make it timeless.  Your vision should not be specific to your current position in life or phase of life.  Rich or poor, healthy or sick, a vision should be timeless.  Your vision should be something a 10 year could own or a 100 year old.  A millionaire or a poor person. 

Universally applicable:  Life is full of events, ups, downs, birthday parties, weddings, funerals, births, deaths, school, family, kids, financial plenty, financial hardship, relational bliss, relational hardship, etc. etc.  Make sure your vision is applicable in every situation.  It’s who you are and how you are and you need to be you in every situation. 

Simple:  Don’t use fancy words and terms.  Keep it simple so you can remember it, own it, share it. 

Specific & Personal:  This is for you and only you.  Sure you can share it, but that’s not where it starts.  This is for YOU.  Make it specific.  What are you passionate about?  What legacy do you want to leave behind?

Flexible/Adaptable:  Yes, I know I said it should be timeless and now I’m saying flex or adapt it.  That’s OK, sometimes things change.  Maybe you don’t agree with your original vision or it’s a different priority.  That’s OK.  Now, if you told all your friends/family/neighbors (see paragraph above) you might want to take this opportunity to explain it and why it changed, but that could be a good opportunity too, could really solidify it for you. 

Measureable/Impactful/Tangible/Real/Observable:  In a nutshell, you should be able to ask yourself the following question:  In the last day/wk/month/year how have I lived out my vision and made the impact I wanted to?  If your vision is simple, specific, etc. you should easily be able to answer that question.  If the answer is, “I haven’t done much” then I’d ask why not?!  This is your life, live it the way you want to. 

Remind yourself (if it’s not a habit already) daily, weekly, hourly.  One idea I have it to literally carve my vision in stone.  Maybe a waste of money and certainly hard to change, BUT if it helps me live it out more fully each day, how much is it worth?  Certainly more than the cost of carving it in stone. 

Work it out:  So, let’s say you have a great vision.  Now what?  Work it out!  Don’t put your vision in a frame on the wall and keep living life as it comes to you, but take life by the horns.  Direct your sails and rudder and steer your ship the way you want to!  (see below for example)

Complete:  This is a hard one, but does it leave anything out?  If so, work it out, maybe add some detail OR adapt it so that it is complete.  It might not be complete without the added detail, so ADD THE DETAIL so that it is. 

Here’s a draft of my vision: 

Give generously – of my time, money, skills, heart, abilities, passions.  Serve others.  Be mindful of the needs of others, not just your own needs (note, this is a balance because if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be of great use to anyone else, so give generously to yourself too). 
Trust completely in God’s promises:  See Bible for list of God’s promises.             
Live radically – don’t fit in, don’t worry about what people say or think.  They may not understand or share the same values/passions/thoughts you have.  That’s OK, many parts one body.  Don’t judge them for being different.  If they judge you, don’t let it change you. 


Timeless?  Yes, I think so.
Universally applicable?  Certainly can be. 
Simple?  Just 3 points.  I think I can remember that. 
Flexible/Adaptable:  Time will tell. 
Measureable?  Can I answer the question?  Yes. 
Complete?  I think so, but not without the additional detail behind the three bullets. 

WORK IT OUT:  I was going to ask the questions and see how I’m doing well and where I can improve, but I’ll wait till we sit down for a meal or a bonfire.  Let’s talk about it then. 

Sincerely with love,

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