Thursday, March 20, 2014


There is a Heaven which is much greater than the sum of all that we know, feel & experience here on earth.  

Mind boggling, I know.

I haven't blogged in awhile I know, but I recently (yesterday) got all fired up on the topic of Heaven.  I am on vacation (highly recommended) and yesterday's daily devotion was on the topic of Heaven so I wanted to ramble on a bit, ponder & think.

As often is the case, I'll start with the main point (see bold above).  Given this I want to study Heaven, think about Heaven, talk about Heaven and bring Heaven into this world (see  Matt 6:10).  Why?  Because I want to live my short life on this blue planet with the perspective of my true home and eternal perspective even though I don't get it.  I don't get Heaven.  I've never been to Heaven.  Never seen pictures of Heaven.  And, as I said above...  "Mind boggling, I know."  But even though that is the case, I still want to live my short life full of purpose, joy, freedom & grace, knowing that my life is but a vapor that will be on this blue planet for a short time, but with God in Heaven for longer than my mind can comprehend.

I've read a couple books about Heaven which I highly recommend:  1) "The Great Divorce" by C. S. Lewis and 2) "Hinds Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard (& "Mountains of Spices", the 2nd book).  I may comment on these later, but for now, a book I haven't read:  "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn is one I'm looking into (see 2nd bold text above).

I'm going to end this brief entry with a few snippets from the introduction of the book "Heaven"...

John 14:1-3 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

Since the dawn of humankind, there has always been death and a preoccupation with eternity or the afterlife.  Fortunately Christians not only know that we will live for eternity, but we know where.  We are destined (created) to live in this place so we should be obligated to know about it, how it will be and live now as secure residents of Heaven.

Cyprian (an early church father ~300AD) said "Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us from this place and sets us free from the snares of the world and restores us to paradise and the kingdom.  Anyone who has been in foreign lands longs to return to his own native land...  We regard paradise as our native land."



Comment, if you'd like.


  1. I'm sorry we missed seeing you guys this time around on your vacation, maybe next time. Love you both much. I look forward to my life in heaven but like you want my "earthly" life to have a purpose. Thanks for sharing.
    love ya

  2. Thanks for sharing, Ben. Love you.
