Sunday, January 21, 2018

Mindfulness 101

Yesterday was a great Saturday, filled with good things.  But I was busy (as I usually am) and around 8pm, I sat in a chair and was still for just a few minutes.  It was so good, that I want to do two things: 1) write this post for you (and for me) and 2) start to incorporate it into my daily routine. 

So what are we talking about anyway?  Mindfulness, meditation, prayer, pick your word, but I'm going to define it as being awake, at peace and still with complete freedom.  Think of it as "checking out" or even "escaping" for a few moments.  Some envision stepping out of yourself and observing your self from the outside.  Whatever works for you. 

Why?  Because it's good for you (and all those around you).  The mind needs good rest at night to sort through the previous day and set you up for success for the new day (there are countless articles and data supporting this).  And the great part about sleep, is you don't have to think about it.  Your brain does it automatically while you are resting in deep sleep.  BUT that's not what we are talking about here.  I'm not going ot ramble on and justify that it's good for you but what I will ask is that you try it for 10 days and then decide for yourself. 

Here are a few guidelines that I am going to try to follow (take them with a grain of salt and feel free to modify per your preference)

  • Set a timer:  I prefer to set a timer, that way I'm free to let thoughts go.  Start small with 5 minutes and then take it from there.  
  • Eyes:  I close my eyes so I have fewer distractions, but feel free to pick something to look at, but stay focused.  
  • Head: Straight posture, not leaning on a headrest tempting sleep ;)
  • Feet:  Flat on the floor.  Don't cross your legs.
  • Hands:  I prefer open hands, palms up, ready to receive whatever peace comes your way.  
  • Breathing:  Deep and slow, usually I start by paying close attention to my breaths (intently observing).  
  • Mind:  This is the most important (obviously) and my suggestion is to just keep it free and observe.  If you think of your todo list, don't fret, there's nothing wrong with a todo list.  Just let your thoughts come and go observing each one.  Same with feeling or sights or sounds.  If you have an itch, don't scratch it, just observe it, feel it and then move on.  
  • Where:  Up to you, but a peaceful quiet place where you won't be interrupted is recommended.  
  • A word:  Some people pick a word or phrase to center/re-center on during their time.  Totally up to you.  
I'd love to hear what you think after trying something for 5-10 days.