Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Brief Thought

Cease striving.  Be still and know that I am God (Ps 46:10).

For those of you that know me, you know how busy and full I pack my life.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there's little "margin time" if you know what I mean.  Funny being as how "margin time" (unscheduled time, where I'm not running to the next thing) is one of my favorite times.  This is probably a symptom of a too full life.  

Picture your favorite drink being poured for you and the server intentionally pours 5 glasses worth into your glass.             More is not always better.  

You may not have time for this (pun intended) but I googled "margin time sermon"...  Several hits.  Here's a link to one...    http://dashhouse.com/sermons/2000/9/17/building-margin-into-your-life.html

I'll end with an excerpt (emphasis added)...
Less productivity - It's ironic, but marginless living results in reduced productivity. The harder we work, sometimes the less we get done. Proverbs 21:5 says, "Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty." Hasty shortcuts can slow you down. It can make you feel like "the faster I go, the more behind I get." This is counter-intuitive, but most of us would get more done if we slowed down. We would be more focused. We would have more time for what matters most. Proverbs 19:2 says, "A person who moves too quickly may go the wrong way."

See also my blog post "never enough time" from 4/3/11

Saturday, January 4, 2014


   Hello faithful readers and welcome to my next entry!!
   As you may know, I've been trying to get up early more consistently in 2014 and I'm not making any promises, but so far it's been good.  I read Ephesians today!
   So a note on "reading the Bible".  Yep, I said it, there it is.  Reading the Bible, like any spiritual discipline likely has some baggage attached to it.  Christians say you should read your Bible, go to church, pray, the list goes on.  I only l say this to acknowledge that I know it's not that easy to read the Bible.  I get it, but that being said, I think Ephesians is a good short letter mostly full of the good news with a few other things.  All in all, a fairly digestible letter (only 6 chapters).  Allow me to summarize what I got out of it today and that will close  this entry.  

The primary message of this letter is two fold:  1) Know, understand, realize, remember your place as a child in God's family.  2) Lead your life from that place.  You are on God's team, He's given you a jersey, so follow in Christ's example and wear it as a dearly loved child of God.  

That's really it, I could (and maybe should) stop, but I got a few more notes/specifics.  If you're interested keep reading, if you don't have the time re-read the highlight above and ponder ;)

Ch 1: This letter is written to the peeps of faith, those that believe, God's people (good to keep in mind as we read the letter).  
Ch 2:  Paul reminds us were we were (far from God, chasing the desires of the flesh) and where God has brought us (into His family, His will, His purpose, His calling, His grace, His peace).  Paul also reminds the reader that God's plan is for everyone in equal share (the Jew and the Gentile alike).  
Ch 3:  One family and endless treasures from God (not earthly, but where the earth and our lives intersect.  See John 10:10).  
Ch 4:  Some ways to lead our life in Gods family (point 2 from the highlight above):  humble, gentle, patient, loving, united, full of peace.  We each have unique gifts from God.  Use them for God.  Quit following your old nature, but life life from your new nature.  Tell your neighbor the truth, we are all one family.  Encourage others with your words.  Kind, tenderhearted and forgiving.  
Ch 5:  Follow Christ's example.  In every situation, answer from WWJD?  Shine the light of Christ.  Thankful to God.  Be careful and intentional in how you live.  Make the MOST of every day living life to the fullest (joy, peace patience, etc.).  Don't waste one day, make every one count.  
Ch 6:  Work hard for your boss as if you are working for God.  Stay alert and pray for Christians everywhere.  

That's it!  Thanks for reading.  I pray that your are encouraged by my words.  
Let me know what you think and enjoy the day (don't forget who you are).  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
     In the spirit of new years resolutions, here I am with a little word to share with you...
  1. Action verses for the New Year
    1. Make the most of each day for the days are evil (Eph 5:15-16)
    2. Whatsoever (whatever) you do to the least of these, that you do unto me (Matt 25:40)
  2. Be in the Word (for the New Year)
    1. Repeat it, talk about it all the time, remind self & others (Deut 11:18-21 or 6:7-9)
    2. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto thy path (Ps 119:105)
That's what I got for you today.  :)

     Also, FYI, I do not have an official "new years resolution" but I do have some things I want to do more in 2014.  All related, but in a nutshell, I want to get up earlier more often, spend a little time in the office to center before starting my day (see verses above).  I think that this could lead to many other good and productive things in my life in the New Year.  Feel free to ask me how that's going.  I'd welcome your accountability.  
