The question was asked: Who would be most likely to encounter Jesus? To know and walk closely with Jesus?
I quickly scribbled an answer and then came up with two more...
1) If I had very regular quiet times full of prayer and Word, I think I would encounter Jesus. If I loved others unconditionally ALWAYS, I would probably encounter Jesus more.
2) Feelings: If I had the desire to know and be with Jesus, I would be full of joy, peace, power & purpose. And encounters with Jesus.
3) The only pre-req is that we have a NEED. Jesus meets us when we are in "need" of Him.
YES. Jesus is available no matter what! We don't need to have good Christian disciplines. We don't need to have the warm fuzzy feelings. We just need to need Him and ask for an encounter (see Mark 5:21-43).
++++ additional thoughts ++++
Upon additional pondering... The nature of the word "encounter" implies not very often. My desire (#2 above) it to continually "encounter" Jesus 24/7 in every micro moment, thought and action.
++++ a poem I thought fitting ++++

++++ Bonus Material to Ponder ++++
Q: Do you have the power/ability to limit what God can do in your life?
A: I'm afraid the answer is "yes" because if we surrender and turn to Him, good things happen (God's power flows through us). If we turn away from God and go our own way, we delay God's power and plan coursing through our lives.
Let me know what you think. :)