Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Doing it Different

I'm doing it different this time...

I love good sermons, books, thinking, pondering but do I soak enough to promote desired change? Not usually so I'm going to do something different this time... Rather than moving through the book to get done, I'm going to stop and master the practice.

The book: "Practicing the Way" by John Mark Comer

The practice: "Turning God into a Habit" (one of the chapters)

I'm going public for two reasons: 1) I'll be more likely to follow through if I've told someone & 2) I hope you are encouraged to slow down, soak and promote the change that you want (may or may not be the same as my current change). Feelings follow focus. 

So I just re-listened to the chapter above and here's my goal or desired outcome

  • that my norm (habit, regularly, always) is to be in a place where I have...
    • God's Perspective (eternal)
    • God's Heart (mission/love for all)
    • God's Action & Words (trusting God in radical submission)
  • Constant ongoing prayer / communion / fellowship (friendship) with God. 

Action (my specifics in red)

  • Re-wire my mind (mental habits)
  • Repetition / Discipline - my specific tools: 1) short paper journal entries throughout the day 2) worship music 3) up early to pray & read the Bible.
  • Practice the presence of God. (Abide) Thank you Brother Lawrence. 
  • Pause the book for 30-60 days to prioritize (focus) on this habit: God being my go to constant companion / co-pilot. I think this will fit nicely with the holidays, advent and chaos of my home and this world. Share (with you) how it's going Dec. 6 (~30 days) and Jan. 6 (~60 days).
  • Compile a list of Bible characters (such as Daniel, David, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, etc.) and specific habits/disciplines they used to stay focused on God. Probably do this with my wife and our 7 year old. Maybe he can illustrate?

Stay tuned, 1st update is due Dec. 6 😎

=== === === Here's the 1st update === === ===
    So I'm about 30 days into this and at a high level, I am keeping "God's perspective" (and peace) more of the time (more of a habit). And I'm experiencing more fruit (Gal 5:22) and so are those around me 😊. I CERTAINLY HAVE NOT ARRIVED but I am not living in the past, but pressing on (Phil 3:12-14) and this will always be the case. 
    Here are two more gems from the last 30 days: 1) "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Ps 90:12). Being mindful of the brevity of life and gratitude for the health we have helps me not sweat the small stuff (my perspective) and keep God's perspective. 2) "I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends." (Rev 3:20). Three things stick out to me: 1. He is pursuing us (knocking) and wants us to hear his voice. 2. We must open the door. Thoughtfully, deliberately making a choice to prioritize Jesus and then... 3) We will share a meal as "friends". What a beautiful picture! I pray that you give yourself this gift of friendship with Jesus. 🙏❤️

=== === === Here's the 2nd update === === ===
    Today marks 68 days. I would say that overall, this has been a success. I have established a "God First" habit BUT let me tell you... This is only the beginning! Just today, as I was blessed with some solitude time with God, my eyes were opened to the fact that He will never run out of joy, delight, fellowship, provision, guidance, etc. for us. I'll go back to Rev 3:20 from above: I can have lunch with Jesus every day for the rest of my life on earth and eternity in Heaven and it will never get old or stale. The closest we come to on Earth is that couple that's been married 50+ years and you can just tell that they are always in love with each other. That is the closest example we have on Earth of the longevity and blessing of relationship with Him. 
   Which leads me to my next habit to foster: "Victoria Second". I won't be blogging about this one, but will say that we have some new connecting habits that we are going to establish in 2025. Pray for us!