Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meaning of Life - Take 1 (just in case there are others...)

So here we go, tackling the big issue that everyone is wondering about...
(and if they're not wondering about it, their avoiding the question :))

I think the 1991 movie City Slickers captured it well:  The secret of life is "one thing".  But what is that "one thing"?  That's what you've got to figure out.  Hmmmm, what is that one thing.  I'm sure it's different for different people.  What is it for you?  Heck, what is it for me?  I'll have to get back to you on that. 

Step 1:  Write down what your "one thing" is.
Step 2:  Take the little test below.
Step 3:  If they're the same, pat your self on the back.  If not, whatcha gonna do about it?

The little test:  There's two things we have in this life.  Grab a sheet of paper and for the past month write down roughly where you spend your time.  Include sleep, driving, working, napping, with others, alone, etc.  Then write down where you spend your money.  Include housing, bills, dining, charity, etc.  Once you're complete, your answer is there.  (For the slower folk, where we spend our time and money reflects what's important to us.)  How does this compare to your answer from Step 1?

Note:  I don't always pat myself on the back in step 3, but sometimes yes :)  That's why the blog is called "benpondersnthinks" and not "benhasitfiguredout". 


  1. Very interesting exercise, Ben... Where are your results? What do you think the meaning of life is?


  2. I go back and forth between enjoying a full, fun, peace filled life and scurrying about, trying to keep up.
