Sunday, April 3, 2011

Never enough time

So I got a problem (OK, yes I have several problems, but this blog will address "one" of them)

I feel like I never have enough time in the day!  I love unscheduled time or margin time and even when I have it, on a weekend for example, the day quickly fills up with good things and never enough time to do them all!!!  My cup runneth over.  Tasks include fun things like time with friends, putzing on projects, sitting still and other semi-fun things like getting ready for work, finishing taxes, taking out the trash.

My answers:  Well, first of all I can't do everything, but I am blessed to have many wonderful things, people & tasks to fill my life with purpose.  Secondly, prioritize and make sure none of my "big rocks" are not getting the time they deserve.  Check out the Big Rocks video (next post) if you don't know what I mean by "big rocks".  

One more note on "big rocks":  I need to make sure my big rocks are getting me where I'm going.  Are my big rocks getting me where I want to be as a person in 1 yr, 5 yrs or 10?  I need to make sure to prioritize those big rocks too.

I'm also reminded of God's priorities:  He was/is never in a rush.  He had time to play with the children.  He could have had a successful 20-30 year preaching career, but He personally delivered his simple yet profound message in about 3 years.  We're still studying it intensely and trying to die to self and live a new life with His priorities.  Mmmmm good stuff.  Hopefully you think so too.  :)

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