Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Church?

Hello faithful readers.  Been a long time I know.  Don't worry, I've still be thinking, but haven't taken the time to write (and honestly have been too busy). 
   So I have a few questions that hit me last Sunday which I'd like to ponder on a bit: 

What is church?
What is the church?
What is it for?
What does it do?
For who?  poor, downtrodden, oppressed
How does it work?

Lots of questions.  Big questions.  Let's see what I think...

I guess I define the church as the people who believe in God/Jesus and have God's priority and perspective on every aspect of life on earth.  And I believe that priority/perspective is to show love and acceptance and grace to all, to be free from the love of money and worldly success so that we can be focused on loving supportive accepting relationships. 

So church = people.  I'm reminded of an old camp song...  "We are the church, the body of our Lord, we are all God's children and we have been restored."  Another line says "we're called enlightened sanctified for the work of Jesus Christ".  Sure there's some churchy words there, but I think you get the point. 

OK so church = people and people = lives and lives = time and relationship and community.  Yep. 

So from the foundation above, what is Sunday morning church?  What are small groups, bible studies, and house churches?  What are mission trips, fishing trips and vacations?  I'd say they are examples or facets of the church described above.  Long story short the groups and events I bring up are part of community which can include (but not be limited to...)...
  • fellowship (Christian word for chit chat)
  • teaching, a sermon, a Bible study, learning, growing
  • singing songs, reading scripture
  • service or outreach to the poor, the widows, the orphans, etc.
  • encouragement and support
  • challenging one another (as iron sharpens iron)
  • resting together (going fishing, watching football, vacation, etc.)
So How does it work?  This I think is very important.  Of the utmost importance because there are many out there that for good reason would say that the church doesn't work or isn't working. 

I think of Jared Allen (of the Vikings) and how he "makes it work".  He's a person and he makes it work...
  • he wants it
  • he encourages others (pumps them up)
  • he's encouraged and challenged by others (other players and coaches)
  • he's an athlete that is physically fit (and keeps on it) and is always thinking of what he can do to win win win.  
  • You can see that he doesn't do it alone (he's part of a team).  

So let's apply this to church = people and the way that this "works" is if people...
1) WANT IT:  To want to apply God's priorities to every aspect of our lives, time, money, resources, relationships, how we treat others, how we think about others, etc. 
2) ENCOURAGE:  Through your community and relationships, listen, understand, love and encourage others.  Be practical in your help (lend a real hand when asked or even better yet, without being asked). 
3) BE ENCOURAGED / CHALLENGED:  Through your community, find opportunities where you can be stretched and challenged to grow and be all that you can be.  Find a few key running partners that will challenge you to want it, keep wanting it and be more effective in doing it. 
4) ALWAYS BE THINKING /STRATEGIZING how you can be more effective and creative in how you live out your call. 
5) DON'T DO IT ALONE.  I repeat this to emphasize that in community through relationships is the most effective way to truly "love one another". 

I'm sure I've left some things out.  Could always expand from here, but this seems like a nice stopping point for now.  Let me know what you think or what I missed. 

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