Wednesday, November 30, 2011

OK, my new deal...

(if you've known me as long as I have, you'll know I have lots of new deals.  You'll also know that I'm awesome at starting good ideas, but not so good at following through.  If you keep reading my blog for the next 40 or 50 years, you'll see if I get better at this weakness or just deal with it.  Time will tell (insert smile here).)

OK, my new deal is to have an official worthwhile blog entry once per month.  I may have other blog entries, but at least one that's worthwhile.  I must have at least one thought/idea per month that's worthwhile eh?  And if no one reads it, it'll be good for me anyway.  It'll slow me down once per month to think.  Mmmmm, like the sound of that.  Oh yeah and I'm not starting in November (insert smile).

With love to all my faithful readers (another big smile).

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