Sunday, May 5, 2013

Giving it all to God?

   I was pondering this morning and said, "Lord I want to give you 100% and be 100% about your business and not my own."  Then I thought, do I really want to do that?  What am I giving up?  What will I have left if I give it all away?  The Bible says to count the cost before you build right?  So I have a few questions:  1) What will it cost?  2) What will I get?  3)  Is it worth it?  4) Do I want to do it?  5) What does it look like.  All good questions...  Let's ponder...

1) What will it cost?  Now this is a tricky question and it depends on how you measure and see currency.  As an example, if I buy an ATV on Craigslist and pay $3,500 for it, that's a clear transaction.  The cost for the ATV was $3,500.  I gave $3,500 and in return I got an ATV.  My money is gone and in it's place I have an ATV. 
   So what does it cost to give 100% of your life to God?  Well, I have 24 hours a day now and if I give it all to God, I still have 24 hours.  What may be different is my priorities and agenda with those 24 hours, but I still have 24 hours to spend and invest in relationships, ministry, work and life.  For me (and it's a daily process, take up your cross daily) that's pretty much what my life is.  On the one hand, I'd say I've already given my life 100% to God, but on the other hand, I need to remember to do it daily, every day.  So many distractions, temptations, etc. which is why it's a daily process. 
   So what does it cost to give your life 100% to God?  I'd say it's like buying the ATV for $3,500 except...  a) You get the $3,500 back with the ATV and God says, use it wisely my servant.  Give generously.  b) You get a bigger better ATV (like the one you bought, but newer, new tires, EFI, and all the extras).  Yes, that's what it's like when you give 100% to God.  You get it all back plus extra and a spirit of freedom, peace, joy, peace, patience, etc.  Not a bad deal. 

I think we've answered the other 4 questions already:  We get a new better life.  Yes, it's worth it.  Yes, I want to do it.  It looks like fun, freedom, peace, purpose, joy, etc. 

Here's a few verses on the topic:
Mark 10:28-31  ROI for investing in God.
Rom 12:1-2  Giving it all to God
Mark 4:19 = life of distractions.  Mark 4:20 = multiplying the investment
1 Cor 3:10-15  Consider carefully how you build/spend your time
Heb 12:1-3  Run the race, don't be entangled in sin
2 Tim 2:4-6  Don't be entangled in the world's ways, but race and compete...
Col 3:17 & 23  Whatever you do, do it for the Lord (whole chapter is great)
Luke 9:23  Take up your cross daily
Phil 2:3-4  Consider others needs above yourself

Real life practical example:  (rubber hitting the road)  So it just happens to be that I did buy an ATV off Craigslist.  The guy didn't give me my money back.  It's gone.  The guy didn't put a winch on it for free.  It's pretty basic.  BUT I do have a nice ATV which is fun, freeing and has afforded for joy solo (riding around the lake this winter) and with friends (driving through the woods in the summer).  So all in all, I like it and it's a fun toy.  I'm not trying to justify my toy, the point is not the toy (could be any non-necessary excess we Americans indulge in), the point it how we invest our time and our money (the only two things we have).  I've invested some money in an ATV and I invest some time taking care of it and playing on it.  When I'm doing those things (recreation) I'm thankful to God (Eph 5:20) for the ATV and the wilderness and I'm mindful of others (Eph 5:21 & Phil 2:3-4).  In the end it's ultimately between you and God (and whoever you want to share it with along the way). 

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